Results for 'Brett Achorn Mark Steedman Norm Badler'

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  1. Modeling the interaction between speech and gesture.Justine Cassell Matthew Stone Brett Douville, Scott Prevost, Brett Achorn Mark Steedman Norm Badler & Catherine Pelachaud - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum. pp. 153.
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    Generating Facial Expressions for Speech.Catherine Pelachaud, Norman I. Badler & Mark Steedman - 1996 - Cognitive Science 20 (1):1-46.
    This article reports results from a program that produces high‐quality animation of facial expressions and head movements as automatically as possible in conjunction with meaning‐based speech synthesis, including spoken intonation. The goal of the research is as much to test and define our theories of the formal semantics for such gestures, as to produce convincing animation. Towards this end, we have produced a high‐level programming language for three‐dimensional (3‐D) animation of facial expressions. We have been concerned primarily with expressions conveying (...)
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  3. Sex Without Sex, Queering the Market, the Collapse of the Political, the Death of Difference, and Aids: Hailing Judith Butler.Brett Levinson - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (3):81-101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 29.3 (1999) 81-101 [Access article in PDF] Sex without Sex, Queering the Market, the Collapse of the Political, the Death of Difference, and AIDS: Hailing Judith Butler Brett Levinson It is interesting to note that in Judith Butler's study of the social construction of sex, Gender Trouble (as well as in the sequel, Bodies That Matter), one finds barely a trace of sex. Or to put matters (...)
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  4. Discourse and information structure.Kruijff-Korbayova Ivana & Steedman Mark - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (3).
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    Connectionist Sentence Processing in Perspective.Mark Steedman - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (4):615-634.
    The emphasis in the connectionist sentence‐processing literature on distributed representation and emergence of grammar from such systems can easily obscure the often close relations between connectionist and symbolist systems. This paper argues that the Simple Recurrent Network (SRN) models proposed by Jordan (1989) and Elman (1990) are more directly related to stochastic Part‐of‐Speech (POS) Taggers than to parsers or grammars as such, while auto‐associative memory models of the kind pioneered by Longuet–Higgins, Willshaw, Pollack and others may be useful for grammar (...)
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  6. Temporal Ontology and Temporal Reference.Mark Steedman - unknown
    relations between events both require a more complex structure on the domain underlying the meaning representations than is commonly assumed. This paper proposes an ontology based on such notions as causation and consequence, rather than on purely temporal primitives. A central notion in the ontology..
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    Gapping as constituent coordination.Mark J. Steedman - 1990 - Linguistics and Philosophy 13 (2):207 - 263.
  8. Predictive processing and relevance realization: exploring convergent solutions to the frame problem.Brett P. Andersen, Mark Miller & John Vervaeke - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-22.
    The frame problem refers to the fact that organisms must be able to zero in on relevant aspects of the world and intelligently ignore the vast majority of the world that is irrelevant to their goals. In this paper we aim to point out the connection between two leading frameworks for thinking about how organisms achieve this. Predictive processing is a rapidly growing framework within cognitive science which suggests that organisms assign a high ‘weight’ to relevant aspects of the world, (...)
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    LFG and psychological explanation.Mark Steedman - 1985 - Linguistics and Philosophy 8 (3):359 - 385.
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    Plans, affordances, and combinatory grammar.Mark Steedman - 2002 - Linguistics and Philosophy 25 (5):723-753.
    The idea that natural language grammar and planned action are relatedsystems has been implicit in psychological theory for more than acentury. However, formal theories in the two domains have tendedto look very different. This article argues that both faculties sharethe formal character of applicative systems based on operationscorresponding to the same two combinatory operations, namely functional composition and type-raising. Viewing them in thisway suggests simpler and more cognitively plausible accounts of bothsystems, and suggests that the language faculty evolved in the (...)
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  11. Is semantics computational?Mark Steedman & Matthew Stone - unknown
    Both formal semantics and cognitive semantics are the source of important insights about language. By developing precise statements of the rules of meaning in fragmentary, abstract languages, formalists have been able to offer perspicuous accounts of how we might come to know such rules and use them to communicate with others. Conversely, by charting the overall landscape of interpretations, cognitivists have documented how closely interpretations draw on the commonsense knowledge that lets us make our way in the world. There is (...)
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    Engineering and Biology: Counsel for a Continued Relationship.Brett Calcott, Arnon Levy, Mark L. Siegal, Orkun S. Soyer & Andreas Wagner - 2015 - Biological Theory 10 (1):50-59.
    Biologists frequently draw on ideas and terminology from engineering. Evolutionary systems biology—with its circuits, switches, and signal processing—is no exception. In parallel with the frequent links drawn between biology and engineering, there is ongoing criticism against this cross-fertilization, using the argument that over-simplistic metaphors from engineering are likely to mislead us as engineering is fundamentally different from biology. In this article, we clarify and reconfigure the link between biology and engineering, presenting it in a more favorable light. We do so (...)
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    The emergence of language.Mark Steedman - 2017 - Mind and Language 32 (5):579-590.
    This paper argues that the faculty of language comes essentially for free in evolutionary terms, by grace of a capacity shared with some evolutionarily quite distantly related animals for deliberatively planning action in the world. The reason humans have language of a kind that animals do not is because of a qualitative difference in the nature of human plans rather than anything unique to language.
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  14. On the order of words.Anthony E. Ades & Mark J. Steedman - 1982 - Linguistics and Philosophy 4 (4):517 - 558.
    There is no doubt that the model presented here is incomplete. Many important categories, particularly negation and the adverbials, have been entirely ignored, and the treatment of Tense and the affixes is certainly inadequate. It also remains to be seen how the many constructions that have been ignored here are to be accommodated within the framework that has been outlined. However, the fact that a standard categorial lexicon, plus the four rule schemata, seems to come close to exhaustively specifying the (...)
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  15. Two dimensions of information structure in relation to discourse semantics and discourse structure.Mark Steedman & Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová - forthcoming - Journal of Logic, Language, and Information.
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    Political Trauma and Healing: Biblical Ethics for a Postcolonial World.Mark G. Brett - 2016 - Grand Rapids, Michighan: Eerdmans.
    How can Scripture address the crucial justice issues of our time? In this book Mark Brett offers a careful reading of biblical texts that speak to such pressing public issues as the legacies of colonialism, the demands of asylum seekers, the challenges of climate change, and the shaping of redemptive economies. Brett argues that the Hebrew Bible can be read as a series of reflections on political trauma and healing -- the long saga of successive ancient empires (...)
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    Interaction with context during human sentence processing.Gerry Altmann & Mark Steedman - 1988 - Cognition 30 (3):191-238.
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    EEG Markers of Visually Experienced Self-motion.Barry Robert, Palmisano Stephen, Schira Mark, De Blasio Frances, Karamacoska Diana & MacDonald Brett - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Book Reviews: Jonathan Leeman, Political Church: The Local Assembly as Embassy of Christ’s Rule. [REVIEW]Mark G. Brett - 2018 - Studies in Christian Ethics 31 (3):342-345.
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    Categorial grammar and the semantics of contextual prepositional phrases.Nissim Francez & Mark Steedman - 2006 - Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (4):381 - 417.
    The paper proposes a semantics for contextual (i.e., Temporal and Locative) Prepositional Phrases (CPPs) like during every meeting, in the garden, when Harry met Sally and where I’m calling from. The semantics is embodied in a multi-modal extension of Combinatory Categoral Grammar (CCG). The grammar allows the strictly monotonic compositional derivation of multiple correct interpretations for “stacked” or multiple CPPs, including interpretations whose scope relations are not what would be expected on standard assumptions about surfacesyntactic command and monotonic derivation. A (...)
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    Discourse and information structure.Ivana Kruijff-korbayová & Mark Steedman - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (3):249-259.
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    Mandating Diversity on the Board of Directors: Do Investors Feel That Gender Quotas Result in Tokenism or Added Value for Firms?Jessica M. Rixom, Mark Jackson & Brett A. Rixom - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (3):679-697.
    Under resource dependence theory, firms should benefit from diverse boards of directors. Ethical arguments also highlight that boards should be as diverse as the stakeholders and communities that they serve. In an attempt to increase diversity and women’s presence on boards of directors, legislative efforts have enacted gender quotas. We examine how such efforts are perceived by U.S. market participants. We expect that when a firm operating under a quota law meets only the minimum requirement, investors will view the female (...)
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    Edinburgh, Scotland July 1–4, 2008.Olivier Danvy, Anuj Dawar, Makoto Kanazawa, Sam Lomonaco, Mark Steedman, Henry Towsner & Nikolay Vereshchagin - 2008 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 14 (4).
  24. Reasoning with heuristics.Brett Karlan - 2021 - Ratio 34 (2):100-108.
    Which rules should guide our reasoning? Human reasoners often use reasoning shortcuts, called heuristics, which function well in some contexts but lack the universality of reasoning rules like deductive implication or inference to the best explanation. Does it follow that human reasoning is hopelessly irrational? I argue: no. Heuristic reasoning often represents human reasoners reaching a local rational maximum, reasoning more accurately than if they try to implement more “ideal” rules of reasoning. I argue this is a genuine rational achievement. (...)
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    God's Own Ethics: Norms of Divine Agency and the Argument From Evil.Mark C. Murphy - 2017 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Mark C. Murphy addresses the question of how God's ethics differs from human ethics. Murphy suggests that God is not subject to the moral norms to which we humans are subject. This has immediate implications for the argument from evil: we cannot assume that an absolutely perfect being is in any way bound to prevent the evils of this world.
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    Bootstrapping language acquisition.Omri Abend, Tom Kwiatkowski, Nathaniel J. Smith, Sharon Goldwater & Mark Steedman - 2017 - Cognition 164 (C):116-143.
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    A Normative Foucauldian: Selected Papers of Mark Olssen.Mark Olssen - 2021 - Leiden: Brill | Sense.
    Mark Olssen is one of the leading social scientists writing in the world today. Inspired by the writings of Michel Foucault, Olssen’s writing traverses philosophy, politics, education, and epistemology. This book comprises a selection of his papers published in academic journals and books over thirty-five years.
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    Modeling Structure‐Building in the Brain With CCG Parsing and Large Language Models.Miloš Stanojević, Jonathan R. Brennan, Donald Dunagan, Mark Steedman & John T. Hale - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (7):e13312.
    To model behavioral and neural correlates of language comprehension in naturalistic environments, researchers have turned to broad‐coverage tools from natural‐language processing and machine learning. Where syntactic structure is explicitly modeled, prior work has relied predominantly on context‐free grammars (CFGs), yet such formalisms are not sufficiently expressive for human languages. Combinatory categorial grammars (CCGs) are sufficiently expressive directly compositional models of grammar with flexible constituency that affords incremental interpretation. In this work, we evaluate whether a more expressive CCG provides a better (...)
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    Diagnosis and Therapy in The Anticipatory Corpse: A Second Opinion.Brett McCarty - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 41 (6):621-641.
    In The Anticipatory Corpse, Jeffrey Bishop claims that modern medicine has lost formal and final causality as the dead body has become epistemologically normative, and that a singular focus on efficient and material causality has thoroughly distorted modern medical practice. Bishop implies that the renewal of medicine will require its housing in alternate social spaces. This essay critiques both Bishop’s diagnosis and therapy by arguing, first, that alternate social imaginaries, though perhaps marginalized, are already present within the practice of medicine. (...)
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  30. Process and emergence: Normative function and representation.Mark H. Bickhard - 2004 - Axiomathes - An International Journal in Ontology and Cognitive Systems 14:135-169.
    Emergence seems necessary for any naturalistic account of the world — none of our familiar world existed at the time of the Big Bang, and it does now — and normative emergence is necessary for any naturalistic account of biology and mind — mental phenomena, such as representation, learning, rationality, and so on, are normative. But Jaegwon Kim’s argument appears to render causally efficacious emergence impossible, and Hume’s argument appears to render normative emergence impossible, and, in its general form, it (...)
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  31. Idealisations in normative models.Mark Colyvan - 2013 - Synthese 190 (8):1337-1350.
    In this paper I discuss the kinds of idealisations invoked in normative theories—logic, epistemology, and decision theory. I argue that very often the so-called norms of rationality are in fact mere idealisations invoked to make life easier. As such, these idealisations are not too different from various idealisations employed in scientific modelling. Examples of the latter include: fluids are incompressible (in fluid mechanics), growth rates are constant (in population ecology), and the gravitational influence of distant bodies can be ignored (in (...)
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  32. Artificial intelligence ethics guidelines for developers and users: clarifying their content and normative implications.Mark Ryan & Bernd Carsten Stahl - 2021 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 19 (1):61-86.
    Purpose The purpose of this paper is clearly illustrate this convergence and the prescriptive recommendations that such documents entail. There is a significant amount of research into the ethical consequences of artificial intelligence. This is reflected by many outputs across academia, policy and the media. Many of these outputs aim to provide guidance to particular stakeholder groups. It has recently been shown that there is a large degree of convergence in terms of the principles upon which these guidance documents are (...)
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    Normative Cognition in the cognitive science of religion.Mark Addis - 2023 - In Robert Vinten (ed.), Wittgenstein and the Cognitive Science of Religion: Interpreting Human Nature and the Mind. London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 149-162.
    Ideas from Wittgenstein are developed to provide suggestions about how both the nature and acquisition of normative cognition in the cognitive science of religion might be understood. As part of this there is some consideration of more general issues about the nature and status of claims in the cognitive science of religion and of appropriate methodologies for the cognitive study of religion. The gaining, production, distribution and implementation of social concepts and norms involves the possession of certain cognitive skills and (...)
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  34. Badler, NI, 1 Bibby, PA, 539 Black, JB, 457.B. D. Burns, K. J. Holyoak, A. Howes, D. Jurafsky, D. L. Schwartz, M. Steedman, S. van Koten, R. Vollmeyer, J. E. Laird & M. D. LeBlanc - 1996 - Cognitive Science 20:617.
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  35. Quinean holism, analyticity, and diachronic rational norms.Brett Topey - 2018 - Synthese 195 (7):3143-3171.
    I argue that Quinean naturalists’ holism-based arguments against analyticity and apriority are more difficult to resist than is generally supposed, for two reasons. First, although opponents of naturalism sometimes dismiss these arguments on the grounds that the holistic premises on which they depend are unacceptably radical, it turns out that the sort of holism required by these arguments is actually quite minimal. And second, although it’s true, as Grice and Strawson pointed out long ago, that these arguments can succeed only (...)
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  36. Authenticity in algorithm-aided decision-making.Brett Karlan - 2024 - Synthese 204 (93):1-25.
    I identify an undertheorized problem with decisions we make with the aid of algorithms: the problem of inauthenticity. When we make decisions with the aid of algorithms, we can make ones that go against our commitments and values in a normatively important way. In this paper, I present a framework for algorithm-aided decision-making that can lead to inauthenticity. I then construct a taxonomy of the features of the decision environment that make such outcomes likely, and I discuss three possible solutions (...)
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  37. Hartian positivism and normative facts : How facts make law II.Mark Greenberg - 2006 - In Scott Hershovitz (ed.), Exploring law's empire: the jurisprudence of Ronald Dworkin. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this paper, I deploy an argument that I have developed in a number of recent papers in the service of three projects. First, I show that the most influential version of legal positivism – that associated with H.L.A. Hart – fails. The argument’s engine is a requirement that a constitutive account of legal facts must meet. According to this rational-relation requirement, it is not enough for a constitutive account of legal facts to specify non-legal facts that modally determine the (...)
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    A Normative Argument Against Explosion.Mark Pinder - 2017 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):61-70.
    One strategy for defending paraconsistent logics involves raising ‘normative arguments’ against the inference rule explosion. Florian Steinberger systematically criticises a wide variety of formulations of such arguments. I argue that, for one such formulation, Steinberger’s criticisms fail. I then sketch an argument, available to those who deny dialetheism, in defence of the formulation in question.
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  39. Hartian positivism and normative facts : how facts make law II.Mark Greenberg - 2006 - In Scott Hershovitz (ed.), Exploring law's empire: the jurisprudence of Ronald Dworkin. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this paper, I deploy an argument that I have developed in a number of recent papers in the service of three projects. First, I show that the most influential version of legal positivism – that associated with H.L.A. Hart – fails. The argument’s engine is a requirement that a constitutive account of legal facts must meet. According to this rational-relation requirement, it is not enough for a constitutive account of legal facts to specify non-legal facts that modally determine the (...)
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  40. Naturalising normativity.Mark Colyvan - 2008 - In David Braddon-Mitchell & Robert Nola (eds.), Conceptual Analysis and Philosophical Naturalism. Bradford.
    In this paper I discuss the problem of providing an account of the normative force of theories of rationality. The theories considered are theories of rational inference, rational belief and rational decision— logic, probability theory and decision theory, respectively. I provide a naturalistic account of the normativity of these theories that is not viciously circular. The account offered does have its limitations though: it delivers a defeasible account of rationality. On this view, theories of rational inference, belief and decision are (...)
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    What’s In a Norm? Foucault’s Conceptualisation and Genealogy of the Norm.Mark Kelly - 2019 - Foucault Studies 27 (27):1-22.
    In this article I survey Foucault’s remarks on norms and normalisation from across his oeuvre, with a view to reconstructing his genealogy of norms, leaning at points – following Foucault himself – on Georges Canguilhem’s seminal work on the topic. I also survey in tandem the existing secondary scholarship on this question, maintaining – pace other schol-ars – that Foucault’s position has not been adequately explicated despite sophisticated attempts. I argue that Foucault’s idiosyncratic conception of the norm, overlooked or (...)
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  42. The nature of normativity.Mark Schroeder - forthcoming - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
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    Hegel's Theory of Normativity.Mark Alznauer - 2016 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2 (2):196-211.
    ABSTRACT:This essay offers an interpretation of Hegel's theory of normativity according to which normative evaluation is primarily a matter of a thing's answerability to its own constitutive norms. I show that natural and spiritual norms correspond to two different species of normative evaluation for Hegel, two categorically distinct ways something can violate its own constitutive norms. I conclude with some general reflections on the relationship between normativity and ontology in Hegel's system.
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  44. Normative Characterization in Empirical Explanation.Mark Bauer - 2015 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 30 (2):271.
    Normative characterization is a commonplace feature of biological and cognitive explanation. Such language seems to commit the biological and cognitive sciences to the existence of natural norms, but it is also difficult to understand how such normativity fits into a natural world of physical causes and forces. I propose to map normativity onto systems stabilized by counteractive constraints. Such a mapping, I believe, can explain normativity's causal-explanatory role in biological and cognitive inquiry. The common approach in the literature is to (...)
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    Defending Democracy against Its "Cultured Despisers".Brett T. Wilmot - 2006 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 26 (1):37-59.
    J. JUDD OWEN AND JEFFREY STOUT SUGGEST THE NEED TO RETHINK OUR understanding of the normative commitments of liberal democracy in response to recent challenges from its "cultured despisers". In this essay I argue that Owen and Stout fail to redeem liberal democracy against these critics because they reject the possibility of constitutional neutrality with respect to an indeterminate plurality of religions. As a result, a religious test on citizenship is inevitable under any democratic constitution expressed in their terms, and (...)
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    Medicine as Just War? The Legacy of James Childress in Christian Ethics.Brett McCarty - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):57-74.
    What do medicine and war have to do with each other? This question is explored through the writings of James Childress, whose early contributions to just war theory illuminate his work in bioethics. By considering the conceptual influences of just war theory on Childress’s bioethics, the contributions and limits of his approach can be set in relief through normative engagement with certain areas of medicine. In particular, Childress’s just-war-inspired bioethics befits the practice of surgery; but oncology, as a medical analogue (...)
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    Norms and explanation in the social sciences.Mark Risjord - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 29 (2):223-237.
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    Mark C. Murphy, God's Own Ethics: Norms of Divine Agency and the Argument from Evil. Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Mark Satta - 2018 - Philosophy in Review 38 (2):73-75.
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    A Conjecture on Aeschylus Agamemnon 985.Brett Evans - 2020 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 164 (1):2-13.
    At Aeschylus Agamemnon 985 the manuscript reading ψαμμίας ἀκάτα is corrupt, giving neither meter nor sense. Wilamowitz’ conjecture ψάμμος ἄμπτα has met with some editorial approval, but its sense is dubious and should be rejected. I propose instead ψάλλον ἀκταῖς, “they were plucking on the shore”, referring to the performance of a paean on the lyre by the Greek fleet departing for, or, less likely, arriving at, Troy. The fleet’s departure would be an appropriate time for the soldiers to perform (...)
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  50. The normativity of the natural : can philosophers pull morality out of the magic hat of human nature?Mark J. Cherry - 2009 - In The normativity of the natural: human goods, human virtues, and human flourishing. [Dordrecht]: Springer.
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